Registered Nurse Schools in California

Registered Nurse Schools in California Looking for training to become an RN and trying to figure out exactly what the leading Registered Nurse schools in California are? Well, below, we’ll take a look at the top 3 schools, according to U.S. News and World Report. These nursing schools give individuals the skills needed to complete the Registered Nurse licensing exams required by the state of California. The California State Board of Registered Nursing requires the following of candidates before issuing a Registered Nurse license:

Pass a criminal record check including fingerprint checks, Individuals must take a two, or three year RN program, Successful completion of the National Council Licensing Examination

CSU – Fresno

CSU in Fresno is also one of the top ranked registered nurse schools in California. The Bachelor’s degree for this program takes six semesters to do. At California State University Fresno, the number of available spaces is outnumbered by the number of interested applicants. For that reason, they require a minimum Gpa of 3.0.

For people who want to attend this nursing program, the classes below will be required:

Microbiology, Critical thinking, Math, Human anatomy, Physiology

The program is extremely inexpensive and individuals that are residents of California often pay only ,600 a year.

CSU – Long Beach

California State University Long Beach, ranks high on the list of California’s best nursing colleges and the program takes 36 months to finish. Those individuals wanting to sign up for this nursing school will need to have a score on their TEAS examination of 70 percent or better. It should be pointed out that in 2010, the average score was 89.5 %. Individuals will need to have a GPA of 3.0 or better.

As there are usually a lot more applicants than there are available spots, the competition for admittance into the nursing program is extremely strong Applicants with the best standing will then have a chance to interview with the school’s faculty, to determine whether they will get accepted to the nursing program.

There are many prerequisite classes individuals have to complete to enter registered nurse schools in California. These classes are:




In 2010, the average fees charged to in-state students was ,300 per year. The additional costs for this program include items like uniforms, medical equipment and lab fees

California State University – Bakersfield

California State University in Bakersfield is among the best registered nurse schools in California. This program is approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, and the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education. The school makes certain their graduates are able to meet the demands of the medical centers, by working with area hospitals.

If you’re thinking about going through the undergraduate nursing program, you’ll be in school for about 36 months. For students that prefer to take their RN education even further, CSU has a Master’s program. Students interested in the program are required to pass the Test of Essential Academic Skills with a score of 70 % or better.

CSU Bakersfield requires an extensive selection of training classes to enter their nursing program. Examples of those classes are:

Human physiology and lab

Advanced English composition

Human anatomy

Chemistry and lab

Introduction to psychology

Introduction to sociology

Public speaking


If you are a resident of California, tuition for this nursing program cost nothing, but students are going to be expected to pay the necessary fees. This includes textbooks, uniforms and lab fees. As a result, the nursing program at CSU will cost you somewhere around ,000 for the three year program.

A person can’t go wrong with these programs offered by the top Registered Nurse schools in California.

Top registered nurse schools
