nurse practitioner programs | prerequisites for nurse practitioner programs

nurse practitioner programs | prerequisites for nurse practitioner programs

Check out the nurse practitioner programs and prerequisites for nurse practitioner programs at
If you want to learn more about online nursing programs make sure that you qualify to get into the nursing programs. You also need to make sure that the nursing schools are accredited as this can make quite a difference to your career.
Most nursing school accrediting organizations use the same standards and criteria to accredit each of the different nursing program types. Nursing school accreditation is granted for specific periods of time. These time periods differ between individual schools and programs. Checking with the nursing schools will define the length of time the school has been accredited for.
Different states have different requirements for licensing nurses. Licensed practical nurses (LPNs) and licensed vocational nurses (LVNs) only need complete a one-year certification program as a general rule in order to take a licensing exam. This certification program includes the basics involved in nursing. These are subjects such as patient care, communication, paperwork and administration.
Every state requires registered nurses to have a minimum two-year associate degree from a school with a state approved program. Nurses who complete their two-year nursing program can then carry on attaining a four year bachelor degree or a six-year master degree. All three have the need for the students to take and pass the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLXE) before they take the state specific licensing exam. NCLXE is a nationally recognized examination required by most states. Individual state licensing exams are only recognized in the state where they are attained.

Prerequisites vary from nursing school to nursing school. Some prerequisites will typically be for;
Math (prealgebra)
Math (intermediate algebra)
English 101 and 102
Introduction to Sociology
General Psychology
Abnormal Psychology
Chemistry 100
Introduction to Human Biology
Anatomy and Physiology 1 and 2
Core A Elective (Humanities course)
Physical Education
Free Elective

For more information on accelerated nursing programs and what you need to do to get into their nursing programs check out
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